Leiter der Mission
S.E. Herrn Mayboua XAYAVONG Außerordentlicher und Bevollmächtigter Botschafter
Frau Vanida VORASARN Ehegattin des Botschafters
Herr Souliya CHANVIXAY Erster Sekretär und Stellvertreter des Missionschefs
Herr Bounthavy LUANGSICHAMPA II. Sekretär
Frau Soukthavanh PHETSAVONG II. Sekretär
Herr Ounmano SYHALATH III. Sekretär
Herr Bounthanome KINDAVONG Mitglied der Verwaltung
Frau Sipanya BOUTSASENG Mitglied der Verwaltung
Frau Sy Amphone KINGKHAMBANG Mitglied der Verwaltung
Herr La KHONTHONGBANG Mitglied der Verwaltung
Lebenslauf des Botschafters
Name:Mr. Mayboua XAYAVONG
Date of Birth: 04 April 1970
Place of Birth: Mieng Village, Paek District, Xiengkhouang Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Marital Status:Married, 1 daughter

 Academic Record
1981-1987: Studied at Luang Namtha High School, Luang Namtha Province
1989-1998: Graduated from the University of Economic, statistic and informatics in Moscow, Russia
 (Degree of Bachelor, Master and Ph.D)

 Professional Record
2000: Officer, International Economic Division, Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign
 Affairs of the Lao PDR
2007: Deputy Head of International Economic Division, Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of
 Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR
2009-2014: Second Secretary at the Lao Embassy in Moscow, Russia
2015: Head of Eastern Europe Division, Europe and Americas Department, Ministry of Foreign
 Affairs of the Lao PDR
2018: Deputy Director General, Europe and Americas Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
 the Lao PDR
2021: Director General, Europe and Americas Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
 Lao PDR
2022-Present: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
 to the Federal Republic of Germany

-Lao:Mother Tongue